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25 Years of Doom

25 Years of Doom

It is crazy to think that Doom is now 25 years old! The main reason this is so crazy is that it must mean that I am old as dirt because I vividly remember Doom first coming out.

When Doom was first released I did not have a PC, my dad had one in his office, but I did not. I was a console gamer, but a few kids at school had PC’s and Doom was all they would talk about. I also remember Doom being a big deal in gaming magazines at the time.

A friend gave me a copy (that was how Doom was spread around where I lived, it was like some kind of virus!) and I took it to my dad to try on his PC….. of course, it did not work on my dad’s weak PC!

I played it a little at friends’ houses, but my first experience with Doom was really the Super Nintendo version of the game. Which some people may find really sad, but I did not care, I freaking loved Doom on the Super Nintendo. I put the SNES version of Doom on my SNES Classic when I hacked it and man it has not aged well, but I still have fond memories of that game. I actually got Doom on the Super Nintendo just before I got my PlayStation, I think it may have been the last big game I bought for my SNES. Of course, I could have just waited and got it for the PS1, but let’s not dwell on that.

Another version of Doom that I have fond memories of is Final Doom for the PlayStation. I got this for Christmas in 1996 and while I loved the SNES version of Doom and I played the hell out of it for a month, once I got my PlayStation I kind of left Doom behind. Then on Christmas morning, I opened up a PlayStation shaped gift and it was Final Doom! A game my parents bought me on whim because they remembered how much of a fuss I made over the game last year. Final Doom is my Doom! The time I put into Doom on the SNES was nothing compared to how much I played Final Doom. I remember getting yelled at to come down for Christmas lunch. My parents did not understand that I was kicking some serious demon ass and I had no time for turkey and mash potatoes!

I never went the route of PC gaming until around 2010. So my next experience with Doom was Doom 3 on the original Xbox. This was a real change of pace from what I remembered with Final Doom. It was slower, more story driven and I actually really liked it. I enjoyed playing through Doom 3 and the expansion for it, whose name escapes me as I write this. I remember being blown away by the graphics as there was no way the PS2 could have run a game that looked like that.

Doom was, of course, rebooted a couple of years back and it was a huge success. I loved the new Doom, so much that I have it on both PS4 and Xbox One. While it does not have an official date yet, I have really high hopes for Doom Eternal when it comes next year.

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